Good day and welcome

This website, proudly compiled, is dedicated to all the loyal female Cgals Chamber Choir members, the existing singers and all singers of the past; to their families who understand the many hours of practise required; to our loyal concert-goers and supporters and our Namibian coastal communities of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay.

Here you will get a good idea of the fun we have as a choir, the dedication of our members, the support of the families, friends and the community, and will get the chance to listen to us.

As conductor of this specialized choir, I found it very helpful to visit other female choirs’ websites to get an idea of repertoire and this was very important for me to include a repertoire list of our songs for all female choirs out there……… maybe it will assist you in your choice for concerts and competitions!

We have progressed over the years to one of the top 500 choirs at the World Choir Games, but are quite isolated geographically especially in our specific category and would value any comments that you may have in terms of what you see and hear on this site.  Please feel free to comment, contact and write on this site. At this stage we are practising to compete for “Sing for Gold" in Spain that will be held this year in October. At the World Choir Games in Sochi, Russia, in July 2016, we won the “Musica Sacra with accompaniment” open competition and came back from Tshwane in 2018 with one silver and two bronze: we are very proud of this achievement as this was our first time participating in the Championship division.

We were very fortunate during lockdown as we could carry on practising using Google classroom, recordings and even had the opportunity to sing in small groups with the necessary protection. In 2020 we just finished a fundraising tea on the same day Namibia’s first Covid19 case was announced. Needless to say, strict lockdown followed for several months and the next concerts we could give in 2020 were two Christmas concerts at the beginning of December 2020. Our hearts go out to all choristers around the world in this difficult new normal.

We are working very hard, but are also having a lot of fun and are excited to sing to our best ability!

Enjoy the site,

Wilna Liebenberg

Conductor: Cgals Chamber Choir of Namibia



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