Marina Derks (joined 2019)

Marina was born in Windhoek, Namibia. She is married to a wonderful husband and have two beautiful children: She also has the privilege of sharing this wonderful choir experience with her daughter, Johanet.

Marina loves people and music and has the amazing job of tutoring music to children ranging from three to seven years old.

She loves to spend time with her friends and to visit coffee shops. She is also part of her church’s worship team where she plays the piano. For her it is a privilege to give something back to God for the talents He gave her.  Being part of the Cgals choir is a dream come true, and she is  excited about the journey. 

Ursula Malan (joined 2005)

Ursula was born in 1953 in the beautiful little town, Lüderitz, on the southern coast of Namibia.  She grew up in Bethanie, in the south. Ursula sang in the school choir and has conducted school and church choirs. She studied in South Africa, and has worked in several towns in Namibia and ended up in Walvis Bay in 2004.  After she heard the Cgals singing at an event,  she joined them in January 2005.  She lives now in Swakopmund where she is a teacher at the Private School Swakopmund. She had the wonderful opportunity to travel with the choir to Kristiansand in Norway, to Johannesburg for the ATKV competition and to the World Choir Games in Riga, Sochi and Tswane.

Ursula is an Accounting teacher for more than 42years,  When not practising choir songs, she  loves to do needlework, and she does bookkeeping for small businesses.

The Cgals group is like her own family and she loves to be with them.

Johanet Derks (joined 2019)

Netta, as Johanet is called by everyone, is a Namibian Citizen born in Walvis Bay.  She has a  passion for music and it’s a big part of her life!  She loves to sing and also plays the violin.  She is currently in her church’s youth band and she enjoys it thoroughly.  She loves to share her talent with people because she believes it makes God happy!  Johanet is super excited to be apart of the Cgals choir and she does her absolute best.



Shekinah de Sousa (joined 2023)

Shekinah de Sousa originally came from South Africa, but moved to Namibia in 2012.

She grew up with music, and loved singing since she was young. For the past few years, she has been part of the Worship team at Walvis Bay Community Church, and also started a band in 2018 called “ThreaD".

She started giving kids music in 2022 with Marina Derks. She always worked with kids and loves music, so she feels she finally found her passion!

She is currently busy with Grade 1 music theory and practical, and recently joined the Cgals. She says she can truly say that her life is filled with music!

Marì Andrade (joined 2003)

Marì de Jager Andrade is a business consultant who was born on 17/05/1970, in Potchefstroom South Africa. She matriculated in 1988 at Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom.  Marì is married to Miguel Rodrigues de Andrade, and they have a son, Victor, age 21,  who is currently studying at NWU Potchefstroom which is also the alma mater of his parents. 

Mari is also coaching the 1st girls hockey team of Walvis Bay Private High school and assisting youth groups with financial planning and business plans in her spare time.

Mari started singing with Wilna Liebenberg and the Cgals in 2003.  Music is the voice of her soul and gives so much joy to her, actually  to everybody, the audience as well as the performers. 

Abigail Grundeling (joined 2018)

For Abigail  music has always been a part of her upbringing and a part of her family. She is a busy wife and mother and has three children between the age of 3 and 10. Being a part of a choir is not only a huge challenge for her but it gives her a sense of solitude and silence within her soul. She says she not a big performer and being singled out in front of a crowd is a challenge for her, but singing in a choir and being a part of this wonderful group of ladies, makes this much easier and so exciting!

She joined the choir not only for the love music but because she was inspired through what the choir achieved over the past few years. She has known Wilna Liebenberg from a early age, mostly through classical quitar lessons. Wilna’s passion and love for music is absolutely amazing for her and she is very excited to go on this musical adventure with Wilna leading the way!

The Inspiration of music as Barry Manilow said:

I Write The Songs
I’ve been alive forever
And I wrote my very first song
I put the words and the melodies together
I am music
And I write the songs,,,
…oh, my music makes you dance
and gives you spirit to take a chance
And I wrote some rock ‘n roll so you can move
Music fills your heart, well that’s a real fine place to start
It’s from me, it’s for you
It’s from you, it’s for me
It’s a worldwide symphony

 Rina Opperman (joined 2019)

Rina was born in the small village of Sydney-on-Vaal near Barkley West in the Northern Cape, South Africa and came to Namibia in 1980 with her husband. They lived in Keetmanshoop (where she was Wilna’s piano teacher),  Grootfontein and Windhoek. Rina is a piano teacher and also plays the Church organ. She has accompanied the congregations every Sunday in all three of the places they stayed in. They are now retired and stay in the Swakopmund Retirement Village. If music was a part of your life from your first music lesson until retirement, you cannot cut it off and not have anything to do with it any longer! Thus the decision to become a part of the Cgals Chamber Choir of Namibia and also the Strings Attached in Swakopmund.


Stefanie Degele (joined 2020)

Stefanie was born in Walvis Bay, the beautiful coastal town which is well known for pelicans, flamingos, dolphins and if you are lucky, maybe a whale or two. Her primary years she spent at a primary school in Walvis Bay and high schooling was in Swakopmund, a neighbouring town, also on the coast.

Stefanie had the privilege to grow up in a very musical family, all playing recorders or other instruments. She played Recorder Grade 8 as well as Flute Grade 8, attended choir workshops and participating in many of the annual music weeks (Musikwoche) in Swakopmund. Frequently she accompanies the choir with flute or recorder. Her husband and daughter are part of our choir family, as they often  attend our social events and assisting where they can.

Lorinda Viljoen (joined 2020)

Lorinda is 26 year old and an optometrist who grew up in Windhoek.  She completed her studies in Bloemfontein in 2015 and took the first opportunity she could get to move to Swakopmund in 2016 and opened a practice in Platz am Meer,  a franchisee of Swakopmund Execuspecs.  Lorinda is an adventure seeker and loves all the outdoor activities that the coast offer, such as surfing and relaxing on the beach on warm days. Another favourite is camping in the Swakopmund river and simply enjoying the company of friends around a camp fire. Her love for music and singing started way back as a young child when she sang in the church choir. Even though she has never been part of a professional choir, she learned a lot in the various church choirs she has been part of through the years.

She played the violin and piano during her high school years and recently decided to dust off the violin and start playing again. Like sport, music has a way of melting away troubles. Music expresses emotions we so often fail to express in words. Although she only very recently joined the Cgals,she is very exited to be a part of the group and knows the journey with them will be an unforgettable one. 

Kate Bosman (joined 2022)

Meet Kate Bosman, C-Gals Choir member since February 2022. She was born in the harbor town of Walvis Bay, Namibia, during the windy month of September 2009. Walvis Bay has been her home ever since.

The wonderful world of music was introduced to her as baby, by her mother, always humming and singing a tune to her. She picked up the same habit and as a toddler, quite often amused her family with her own invented songs. At the age of seven Kate began learning to play the piano, taught for the first year by Riëth Nel and upon Rieth’s relocation to SA, she entered Vera Malherbe’s music school and has been taught by her ever since.

In 2018 she heard the C-Gals sing at a concert for the very first time and was awestruck by their angelic singing. She desired so to join their choir, but was still too young. In December 2021 she attended a C-Gals concert for the second time and once again dreamed of singing with them. Only two months later she had the opportunity to audition and her dream finally became a reality. She is now the proud youngest C-Gals choir member!

Janelle Botha (joined 2021)

After Janelle moved to Swakopmund from Windhoek she started singing lessons with Wilna Liebenberg at the age 15 until she matriculated in 2010. She went to Cape Town to further her knowledge of contemporary music, stage performance and sound engineering. 

She recently started working as a live musician, and can be seen at various establishments in Swakopund as well as Windhoek.

In 2021 she decided to further her classical vocal training and started taking lessons again as well as joining the choir.

She enjoys singing in the choir as it is a different challenge compared to what she is used to, it is a way for her to learn different styles and techniques and simply enjoy singing on stage with a group of wonderful supporting ladies.

Adrienné Fourie (joined 2023)

Adrienné was born in Ondangwa and grew up in Rundu, the Northern part of Namibia. She is a single mother of a beautiful 25 year-old daughter, her best friend and companion in everything life has to offer.

Adrienné started working in the Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Industry from the age of 16 years old and is currently working at a Travel Agency as Administration and Accounts Supervisor.  She knew that this industry has something special to offer, largely to someone like her who loves and adores to work with people.

Adrienné has a passionate heart and love for children and dreams to open a safe haven for less privilege children. Children are the most precious gifts from God as Psalm 127:3 says: Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from Him. She is currently studying Christian Counselling and believe through her studies and God’s purpose for her life, her dream will come true to shower unwanted children with love and care, all for the Glory of God.

She auditioned to join the Cgals in December 2022 – her heart is filled with gratitude for this opportunity to be part of the Cgals.  Wilna’s love and passion for music is such and inspiration for her and she is looking forward to learning more from her and all the other Cgals participants. She is proud to be able to sing together with such talented women.


 Sarita Rossouw (joined 2014)

Sarita is 16 years old, and attends The Dolphin School of Walvis Bay. She is a proud member of the Cgals Chamber Choir of Namibia. She has been taking Music lessons with Wilna Liebenberg since the age of 6, passing numerous examinations in both Recorder and Singing. She enjoys spending time with the choir who have become like a real family to her. She also traveled with this “family” of hers to Russia to the World Choir Games and to South Africa. Being able to have experienced this competition is simply amazing and she feels blessed to be able to be part of such a wonderful choir. Apart from choir singing, she is a keen horse rider, a sport she has been participating in from a young age.



Jolida Kalomo (joined 2014)

Jolida is a grade 11 student at the Dolphin School, Walvis Bay. She has been a part of the Cgals Choir since 2014. What started out for her as taking individual singing lessons with Wilna Liebenberg, turned into being part of an amazing group of talented women. She had the chance to attend the 9th World Choir Games in Sochi, Russia. It was an unbelievable experience for her. If she is not singing, she likes to read and spend time with family and friends. Outside of the choir, she is part of the Junior City Council of Walvis Bay and a member of her school’s netball team.



Neele Teresa Nambili (joined 2016)

Neele is 28 years old and a born and bred German, born in the town of Eckernfoerde. She qualified as a Social Pedagogic Assistant at a college in Germany. It involves working with Pre-Primary learners and those with learning impairments. Neele started playing the recorder when she was 6 years old and later on went on to play the piano as well. She was also involved with the choir in her hometown in Germany. In 2010 she met the love of her life, (her Namibian husband) in her hometown Flensburg during his three years of study at the Naval Academy Mürwik in Flensburg, Germany.  They got married in 2011 and left Germany at the beginning of 2012 to come live with her husband in Namibia. They have two sons and a daughter who are all born in Namibia.  She is currently studying towards a Junior Primary Diploma. Neele is  teaching at The International School of Walvis Bay. She joined the Cgals Chamber Choir in September 2016 and has grown tremendously in her choral music since she started singing with them.   Music gives her a way to express herself, it calms her down and it lifts her moods.  The Cgals Chamber Choir is important to her as it teaches her to work towards a goal and to persevere till the goal is realised. She loves the spirit and aura in the choir, as it gives her a sense of belonging.


Susan Callard (joined 2015)

Susan is a therapeutic masseur and reflexologist, as well as a trainer in both. Having grown up in Germany, she matriculated in 1982 and in 2007 moved to Namibia with her husband and four children. Singing with the Cgals Chamber Choir is her personal escape from the busy day-to-day life. Their serenity and dedication amazes her every time.

Susan practises 2-3 times a week with the choir, and at home with the piano and the software programme Noteworthy on the other days. Having taken part in the last World Choir Games in Russia, she very much looks forward to the next games!




Yuhua Liu (joined 2017)

Yuhua came to Namibia almost five years ago from China.  She joined the Cgals choir in 2017 and also takes Guitar, Solo Singing and IGCSE Music with Wilna Liebenberg.  For Yuhua music is very important in her life. She passed Grade 4 Singing in 2017 and is currently working on Trinity’s Intermediate Concert Examination.

Angel (her English nickname) likes to cook special Chinese food and also tries out making sweets.  She has a small sister and brother who can taste all her specialities. She is a student of The International School of Walvis Bay and is preparing for the IGCSE examination.

For her life is beautiful with music, food and people she loves.


Lillian Beresford (joined 2017)

Lillian joined  the Cgals almost a year ago,  and as she says: “mostly because my mother got tired of me singing in her kitchen all the time”.

It has been a great experience for her, especially since the other members are all really supportive and there is a great sense of community within the choir. Her singing has improved quite a bit since she joined the choir, but still sings in the kitchen while practising.

When she is not singing, she is self-studying for A-levels in History, Biology and English Literature.  In her free time she enjoys reading, writing, drawing and spending time with her family and their cats.

Marilynne Botha (joined 2016)

It is a hot summer’s day in Swakopmund, a small town on the coast of Namibia, the sun is about to retire for the evening whilst Marilynne is sitting on the beach, enjoying her thoughts. Life has taken her on quite a journey this far. She has been fortunate enough to travel abroad and has been blessed with a passion for life. Every moment has been an adventure, rhythmic gymnastics, target shooting and triathlons are a few of the sports she has enjoyed. Working fulltime and finishing her diploma in Public Relations was a challenge, however this did not stop her from starting on her degree in Communication Science. The biggest adventure is still to come, 2018 not only has the World Choir Games in stall for her, but she will also be a first time mother. Two very big life changing events, but she is filled with excitement and looks forward to every moment the challenge has to offer.


  Emma Naris (joined 2013)

Emma is working at the Ministry of Education as an accountant. She is also a Sunday school teacher at the New Apostolic church.

Emma came to learn about the Cgals choir through a teacher who came to her department for enquiries.  She joined the Cgals Choir in November 2013, just 8 months before the 8th World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. She did not believe that she could make it to master all the songs in the repertoire within that 8 months, but with the hard work and dedication of her choir master, Wilna Liebenberg, she made it. She feels that Wilna is a very good teacher who has a passion and dedication towards music. She was also part of the choir travelling to the 9th World Choir Games in Sochi, Russia.

Emma has a passion for music since her high school days, but never had the opportunity to be in such a magnificent choir. She enjoys singing very much and love the choir members. She can’t wait for the 10th World Choir Games, especially because it is on the African continent.


 Marianina van Deventer (joined 2001)

Marianina grew up in Windhoek, Namibia and was fortunate enough to have Music as a subject in Matric. She met Wilna when they were both in Grade 9 in 1981.  After School she studied Environmental Sciences at UNAM, got married and lived on a farm for a couple of years.  She has three amazing children, one of them is Marilynne who also sings in the Cgals Choir.  Her husband and her children are the most important people in her life.  She studied at Unisa and received an Honours Degree in Environmental Sciences as well as a Higher Teacher’s diploma.  She teaches Geography, Integrated Performing Arts, Afrikaans and English at the Namib High School in Swakopmund. She  enjoys introducing nature to learners, taking them on trips and showing them Namibia’s amazing wildlife, teaching them to protect the ’ defenceless’.  37 Years of making music together with Wilna is another passion.  She joined the hard-working and fun-loving group of the Cgals ladies in 2001. The C-Gals family is important to her. Marianina is involved with fundraising concerts for different projects such as the Happy Land safe house in Henties Bay, where children are kept safe from abusive parents She is a member of His Family Church in Swakopmund where she is part of the Praise and Worship team and together with her husband lead home group.

René Roseline Naruses (joined 2014)

René is a 17 year old learner at Namib High School. Her hobbies include dancing and listening to music. She joined the Cgals Chamber choir in 2014 and has been taking music lessons from Wilna Liebenberg since 2012, passing numerous Singing examinations, playing the guitar wrote Grade 5 Theory. In 2016, she represented Namibia along with the other choir members, at the World Choir Games in Russia and in 2018 in South Africa.  At home, she usually practices with a CD and recordings from  her phone, but she  started using the software programme Noteworthy to practice. She enjoys singing in the Cgals Chamber Choir as the ladies are very supportive and they never hesitate to play the role of a mother to her.



Carol Monique Nuseb (joined 2016)

Carol is 18 years old and born in Walvis Bay on 25 July 2000. She is currently in her final year of high school at The International School of Walvis Bay (ISWB), and is part of the Junior Town Council of Walvis Bay. She is privileged to have Music as a subject taught by her best teacher, Ms Wilna Liebenberg. Ms Liebenberg has been her singing teacher and mentor for the past four years.

Carol sang Grade 5 and also wrote Grade 3 Theory in 2018. She joined the Cgals Chamber Choir at the end of 2016 and she feels privileged to be part of this world-renowned choir. Singing with these great ladies has taught her teamwork, commitment, hard work and dedication.

She salutes the ladies of the choir…




Samantha van der Merwe (joined 2019)

Johanna Shivoro (joined 2018)

Johanna is born on the ninth of October 2009  in Windhoek, Namibia and has an older sister who is born in 2004. Johanna  joined the Cgals in 2018, but knew Ms. Liebenberg since she was six years old.  She is  the youngest member of the Cgals Chamber Choir of Namibia and a learner of The International School of Walvis Bay. Her hobbies are netball, reading and singing. She is so happy that she got the opportunity to join an amazing choir family.






Estelle van Zyl (joinend 2020)

Estelle is 30 years old and a Biokineticist.  She has her own practice near Mediclinic in Swakopmund.  Cycling is her favourite outdoor activity, together with camping and time in nature.  She is always seeking adventure and opportunities to travel and explore.  What makes her happy? She is an addict…Coffee addict to be clear. 

She grew up in the south of Namibia, Keetmanshoop.  Studied in Bloemfontein for 5 years, worked in Windhoek for 4 years and is now very pleased to be a local Swakopmunder. 





Shesha Shikongo (joined 2018)

Shesha, born on the 20th of May 2008 is 11 years old. She has been doing lessons with Miss Liebenberg since 2015 and really enjoys it.

Shesha is a level 4 learner at International School of Walvis Bay.  Her favourite thing to do is singing, whether she is alone or around people. Her hobbies are gymnastics, and netball where she plays goal attack.  Blue is her favourite colour. 

It was very special for her to be able to sing her first concert with the Cgals at the Christmas concert in 2018.

Irene Tsaitsaib (joined 2013)

Irene is a teacher by profession. She loves children and believes they are the best teachers of patience.

Growing up, music has been a lifestyle in their household. She comes from a family of instrument players and composers. She started playing the first trumpet in high school and traveled in Africa with the Lutheran Brass Band. After nine years of playing trumpet, she auditioned for the Cgals choir and has been a committed member ever since 2013.  Joining the Cgals choir has allowed her to grow in so many areas. They are a group of dedicated ladies. Wilna Liebenberg is an exceptional choir conductor and Irene says she will forever treasure the lessons learned. Her days are perfected by music! How dull would life be without it!



Elmine McCarthy (joined 2019)

Elmine grew up in Gobabis, a small town near the eastern border of Namibia. She amused herself with piano, guitar and recorder until she started with formal piano lessons at the age of 6.  When she was 10, she  started with violin lessons in Windhoek and church organ when she was 13. Her parents drove the 200 km to and 200 km back every Friday for the whole duration of her school career. For that, she will
always have a deep appreciation and admiration. After school she went to study B.Sc, became a teacher, a wife and a mother of four.

Elmine became part of the Cgals to do something with her daughter, Elmi , who is also in the choir and she immediately felt how her soul was fed. For so many years, she has neglected her love, passion and need for music. 

She has a strong feeling for the words of Psalm 23:
“… HE restores my soul, … my cup overflows…”

For her it is a privilege  to be part of the Cgals , an opportunity to learn, meet new people, make new friends and … MAKE MUSIC…

Tanya Coetzee (joined 2018)

Tanya was born and bred in Durban, South Africa, where she completed her schooling before relocating to Stellenbosch in the Cape Province to study a Bachelor of Consumer Science in Food Preparation.

She moved to Namibia in 2011 with her then boyfriend, now husband and now calls Swakopmund home.  She loves the lifestyle of living at the coast and enjoys raising her family there.  Previously a tour consultant selling dream holidays to Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa, she is now a copywriter writing about all the fabulous lodges and destinations that these places have to offer.

She only recently joined the Cgals in 2018, but has been singing for as long as she can remember, taking part in competitions and voice training since she was a young girl, coming from a family with a musical background.

She loves travelling and being out in nature or simply exploring another exciting destination.  She loves adventure, to take photographs ride and compete in events on her horses, to cook and be creative.

Elmi McCarthy (joined 2019)

Elmi was her parents’ little early Christmas gift when born on 23 December 2003. Her mom said she immediately started to scream without stopping and wish she had a volume knob: she once oncenearly screamed off the roof of the doctor’s consulting rooms when she needed stitches.Maybe that helped in training her voice as a singer.  Music has always been part of her life as her mother is talented in different instruments.

Elmi is a learner of Walvis Bay Private High School and in Grade 10. Unfortunately, the school does not offer music as a subject so she started singing with Ms. Wilna Liebenberg from 2017. She will be singing Grade 6 this year and do Music Theory Grade3. She joined the Cgals in 2019 to improve her voice quality. It has been an incredible journey and enriching experience.

She loves acting, painting, playing hockey and … of course … singing.

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your head, be led by the dreams in your heart”


Amor Haingura (joined 2016)

Amor is 14 years old and was born in Walvis Bay, Namibia. She joined the Cgals Chamber Choir in 2016, but  first met Ms Liebenberg when she was at The International School of Walvis Bay. She is currently going to school at Alexanders Private School, also situated in Walvis Bay.  She joined the Cgals at the age of 11  and are proud to be a part of the Cgals and be mothered by all as she is the youngest member.  She represented her country at The World Choir Games in Pretoria!!!








Thalita Nel (joined 2019)

Thalita turned 15 this year and  attends PSS (Private School Swakopmund).

She started with singing lessons with Wilna LIebenberg in 2011 and has been singing since then. In 2019 she sang a duo with her sister (Bianca Nel) for Unisa exams, and also sang the Trinity examinations.  This year she will be doing Grade 4 Theory.   She joined the Cgals in 2019 and already sang an Unisa Examination with them.

Besides music and singing she enjoys being creative in Art (painting and sketching) and playing field hockey. 




Mia Izabel van Wyk (Joined in 2020)

Mia was born in Swakopmund, Namibia, and has been living in the beautiful coastal town of Walvis Bay her whole life. She attends school at Walvis Bay Private High School, where she plays netball and is an editor for the school newspaper, ‘Die Orakel.’ She has been playing piano for 8 years and is also playing grade 8 piano. She sings in her church’s worship team and loves to listen to several music genres. She also loves running and to write poetry. She is extremely excited about singing in the CGals choir and to go to her first choir championships.

Danette Pretorius (joined 2021)

Danette was born in Somerset West in South Aftica in 2006. She made Walvis Bay her home since 2008.
She was born with musical genes and has per sued her God given talent to sing and perform from an early age. She started with Kinder Muzik at the tender age of 2 until she was 9 years old. She was part of the WBPHS Galjoentjies Junior Choir in 2016 & 2017. In 2019 she won Bronze for her Solo Cabaret performance during the NAPSO Arts & Culture Festival. She performed at various school functions and was chosen to sing one of the lead vocals in her school musical production in 2021.
She takes pleasure in her flair for other art forms like drawing and acting and have also excelled in these fields. She is also a keen archer. She participated in the sport of archery since she was only 11 years old.
Danette loves to sing more than almost anything else in life. That is why she joined the CGals Chamber Choir. She enjoyed the journey thus far and is respectfully thankful to be part of a prestigious world class choir.

Santhea Grobler (joined 2022)

Santhea is a Namibian and is a Scrap Metal Office Manager in Walvis Bay.  She loved music from her early childhood and was only four when she could play piano and treated guests with her talent, singing her heart out.  She could play piano, organ and accordian and sang in the school choir of HTS Windhoek throughout all her school years.

Santhea did not stop after school using her talent; she was in a band from 1996 to 2018 and has done many tours throughout Namibia and South Africa.

After a break from the band, she is now part of the Worship Team of Walvis Bay Community Church.  As a Christian she knows that her happy place is in God’s precense, worshipping in church or at the cell group.

Talita de Waal (joined 2023)

Talita was born in Lüderitz (Namibia) and went to school in Keetmanshoop where she learned to play piano and joined the school choir. 

After her grade 12 year in Keetmanshoop Private School, she studied education in KwaZulu-Natal where she also sang in the college choir. From there the moved to Mozambique and taught in Maputo for 5 years.

In 2010 she moved to Kalkbaai in South Africa where she completed her Honours degree in Education as well as one year pastoral studies at the Bible Institute of South Africa. In 2011 she moved back to Namibia where she taught at various schools.

After that she moved to Oman in 2019 and taught in Muscat for 2 years after which she again moved back to Namibia and completed her Master of Education. She has been in Walvis Bay since 2022 at Duneside High School.

In 2023 she joined the Cgals and she is very grateful for this opportunity.